User Essentials 3.6.4
Это дополнение предоставляет полезные пользовательские функции и настройки. Предоставьте своим пользователям дополнительные функции имени пользователя, темы и сообщения.
Смена имени пользователя никогда не была такой простой!
Требования после установки
После установки запустите инструмент восстановления упоминания содержимого:
php cmd.php xf-rebuild:sv-mentions
Настройки => Инструменты => Перестраивание Кеша => "Пересмотреть упоминания контента"
Это медленный процесс, но он необходим для предотвращения ошибочных дубликатов оповещений, когда редактируется сообщение с цитатами / упоминаниями, созданные до установки.
Полное описание на английском
This add-on provides useful user functions and options. Provide your members with additional username, thread, and post functions.
Changing usernames has never been this easy!
Post Install requirements
After installing, run the content mention rebuild tool:
php cmd.php xf-rebuild:sv-mentions
AdminCP => Tools => Rebuild Caches => "Rebuild content mentions"
This is a slow process, but required to prevent erroneous duplicate alerts when a post with quotes/mentions is edited which was created before the add-on was installed.
Feature List:
Create Poll . Allow per-usergroup control of who can create a poll
Custom User Upgrade Amounts . By setting the upgrade price to 0, you can allow the user to pay any price for the upgrade.
Remove Own Poll Vote with optional Time Limit . Those who have cast a vote may remove it (un-vote). This is a usergroup permission which may be set with a time limit (in minutes). Time starts once vote has been cast. Poll must be open and user must have voting permission.
User Action Log . Editing of post messages, editing thread titles and/or prefixes, locking/unlocking threads, adding polls, and changing user names, are all logged and displayed via a user log in the Admin Control Panel.
Change User Name . Members may change their user name x amount of times by selecting the 'Change User Name' link on their Account page. Option to display previous usernames via a tab on the profile page.
Moderation. Option to moderate user name changes. Only moderators with set permission may approve or deny name change requests.
User Note. Option for the user to provide a note as to why they wish to change their username.
Moderator Note. Option for the moderator to provide the user with a note when approving or denying the name change.
Moderator Alerts. Option to alert all moderators to the user's new name.
User Alert and Email. Users are notified by alert and email when a decision is made in regards to their name change request.
Name Change Cycles. Option to reset the allowed number of name changes every X days.
Visible Indication. Option to set the user's custom title to display their previous name for X days in order to allow all members to keep track.
Previous Name Changes/Requests Information. Moderators may view the details of previous name change requests. Approved, Denied, and those Pending Approval requests, all display their relevant information in an overlay.
ACP User Edit Previous Names. The user edit page in the Admin Control Panel (ACP) displays a list of previous names held by that user.
Private Username changes . Allow a username change to be marked as private.
New permission: "[UserEss] - Edit user name change privacy"
Can only be viewed by admin/moderator or the user, not other users or guests
Create Polls Permission to limit who may create polls by user group or node.
Optional Time Limit permission on editing thread titles.
Separate Title and Post edit time limits . Option to allow the editing of thread titles even when the time limit for editing posts has expired.
Lock / Unlock own thread . Permission to allow thread authors to lock/unlock their own threads. User cannot unlock threads locked by a moderator.
Per user message/threads per page:
Must add a custom user field for each one with the ids "useress_messagesPerPage" and "useress_threadsPerPage". These should be single line text boxes with "Number" as the Value Match Requirement.
Use Custom User Fields Permissions to control who can use these custom fields.
Limited User Upgrades
You can now limit how many of each user group upgrade is available. Once the maximum has been purchased, they'll be hidden from users that don't already own it.
Display last recent activity in the user approval queue.
Option to prevent admins changing the primary user group
Allow admins to see per-user and per-ip account lockouts
"Login Attempt Log" log under Tools
"Login Attempts" tab when viewing the user profile in the admincp
Requires "View Logs" admin permission to view all logs
Requires "User" admin permission to delete a single record, or view logs on a user profile
Permission-based control of hiding a user's status
Option to display mini-avatar next to mentions
If User Mention Improvements (v2.3.0+), then display mini-avatars next to a group.
Supported content types; Posts, Profile Posts, Profile post comments
Allows editing in mentions (user or user group) and sending alerts for new users/groups without sending duplicates.
Supported content types; Posts, Profile Posts, Profile post comments
Extend admin user search
Search by custom title, location, website, about, signature
Extend admin batch user update
Spam clean action
Remove custom titles
Remove locations
Remove About sections
This add-on does not alter the XenForo xf_post or xf_thread MySQL tables, which means it can easily be installed on large boards.